© Kit Constable Maxwell

Chapter 5.


The story of mankind's spiritual awakening, and of the part we play in it.
© Kit Constable Maxwell


Psychology is all about the study of human behaviour and the many social experiences that affect it. These experiences include instinct, culture, heredity and religion, and each triggers a corresponding influence on sensation, emotion, consciousness and social orientation.

We may like to think we're all fairly unique, but in psychological terms we're all fairly predictable. We share the same emotion-response ethic which to an alien observer would appear sorely repetitive. Western mankind has formulated a role model for himself, much exploited by advertisers and media, and this the individual protects with an ill-fitting suit of psychological armour. Behind the armour hides his or her self image, which is generally preconditioned by external influences we feel disinclined to question. Man is a conservative creature in that he resists change. We feel safe with the old and threatened by the new; we can readily observe the disappointment expressed through the ages by successive generations for their errant offspring. We have a way of forgetting that we were ever young, and of imposing false realities on our life.....and on our children. However, the unstoppable rhythm of life and fate won't accept this manicured approach. The psyche, the indomitable energy of our higher self, powers the search for spiritual growth and forces the ego's changing perception of reality, and we find ourselves compelled to give up our preconceived definitions of life, derived from our parentage, our schooling, our social heritage. The inevitable collision between an unbending ego and our invincible psyche gives rise to depression, in one form or another, and depressive conditions tell of the unconscious, misunderstood and often calamitous path of spiritual growth. We react variously with abnegation and self condemnation, or divorce, drugs, suicide.

Men and women of this fast moving age can grow up with very fixed ideas on life, society and their role; as parents they may fear the growing independence of their children. Or as adults they may criticise their neighbours, their parents, fate, society, life. Beleaguered by their own social heritage, they may despise the younger generation for having more fun than they had, for being less responsible, for not experiencing the stress of war, the hardships of declining social standards. They mistrust minority groups and fashionable thinking and herd off into collective perspectives. Perhaps we should re-examine the innocent outlook of childhood, an uncluttered world of curiosity, creativity and spontaneity. We should strive to recover that which we lost in struggling to become what we now are. We are powered by the shifting goals of our parents' failed ambitions, education's false horizons and the unsustainable disciplines of cultural niceties like colour, creed and class. The conflicting priorities of childhood and adolescence, generally misunderstood by both parent and child, lead most of us into one of the two identifiable character 'types' of neurosis and disorder categorised by psychologists:


The unbalanced, ungrounded, unloved child of an emotionally stressed background, typified by the claim 'its all my fault, I'm so awful, stupid, sinful, wet..'.
2) DISORDER The stultified condition caused by parental abuse, emotional neglect, childhood trauma. This state is typified by the stout dismissal 'its not MY fault, its my fate; look what someone else did to me, my family, my teachers, the government; the circumstances are beyond my control'... etc.

Both the above conditions demand the courageous admission, 'I am responsible, I accept responsibility for myself'. This crucial step can take a lifetime to acknowledge and so find release from a fateful heritage. We cannot blame our past, our parents, our society for ever. The sooner we acknowledge responsibility for ourselves, and the sooner we evaluate, assess and accept the psychological nature of our condition, the sooner we step into the light of true knowledge.

This great Truth is enshrined in the Greek myth of Orestes, son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, who was born to suffer the fate of his family which had been cursed for generations of outrage, betrayal and murder. The blameless Orestes suffered from the full weight of his family's guilt, and alone disarmed and appeased Fate through personal commitment and a willing and courageous acceptance of the issues he had so innocently encountered9.

9 The myth of Orestes is recounted by Liz Greene in her book Astrology of Fate (see bibliography)

Psychology helps us to recognise and understand established behaviour patterns and to recognise why we (and others) behave as we do. Predictable actions are worth a thousand words, and psychology can reveal familiar and repetitive wounds, phobias and motives. And it can help us, consequently, to be more indulgent of our emotional demands when we find that we are not alone with our inner sentiments and our indignant sub personalities that destroy our joy, test our friendships and sabotage our potential for growth.

Psychological projections reflect our inclination to see, in others, a positive or negative extension of our own personality. These will usually reveal our undeveloped traits, and we may see people falsely elevated or denigrated to match our own experience of them. We all project to some extent at some time, but with a little awareness we can withdraw our unreasoned expectations from our children, our neighbours, our spouse and those reluctant old scapegoats our parents. Then we can take the first faltering if enlightened steps into maturity, a world where there is no judge but our own inflated ego, no anger but that born of our own insecurity, no regret but that of our own disappointments for the receding tideline of our self opinion, the false idol of modern society. A fundamental understanding of psychology helps us all to accept and understand the real message powering other peoples' behaviour and thus more generously to accommodate their unspoken needs as well as understanding our own. Anger is an expression of fear, and it is easy to see the fear of humiliation precipitating the anger in the world. It is the fear that we are being left behind on a sinking raft of indignant innocence, unable to jump off into the unknown realm of our spiritual destiny and meet the inevitable demands of our existence. We hang on grimly to the outworn props of the ego and blame everyone else for our disappointments. We can't voice our needs to those who bear the brunt of our discontent; our fractured ego is too frail, too hurt. The wounds are deep and psychological, so we come out fighting, demanding the impossible, blaming the innocent and perpetuating our own godless condition. Humility is not to be equated with weakness. Just as our outlook develops with advancing age, so do our needs and the needs of those around us. Growth demands change, change of vision, of perspectives, of expectations. And growth also demands death, the death of outworn ideas, unworkable principles, outmoded beliefs. The rewards are both spiritual and eternal, and we must seek out with vigour this path of true meaning.

The psychological paths to the inner self are strewn with disappointment. Psychotherapy has become a collective term for a mass of conflicting disciplines - powered by a host of often over enthusiastic and under qualified practitioners seeking to expunge their own unresolved crises by encouraging their clients to wallow in theirs. In ten mis-spent minutes a psychotherapist can make you doubt your love for a partner or parent by reducing it to pathological projection. It is easy to become an unsuspecting victim of our therapist, counsellor or astrologist. The best counselling qualifications derive from life's rich experience and these can't be learned out of a book.... Frequently the job of a psychotherapist is merely to listen as the subject admits to himself or herself, aloud and for the first time, their real feelings about their life, their parentage, themselves. Sometimes these sessions can be fairly colourful and the deep feelings that generally accompany such talks should be encouraged out into the open, tears, rage and all. We learn our emotional and social responses early in life, and these are generally maladjusted and incomplete. We stride through life with false gait until eventually the lie breaks out and we must attend to our stunted development. The therapist's job is to identify and quantify the subject's problems areas, and then to reactivate their commitment to life and living, based upon his or her own unique values and perspectives, even when these conflict with parental preference or cultural and religious preconditioning. There is no better place to start than talking, in professional confidence, to a well qualified therapist, priest or counsellor. But the cure, as always, lies with the subject, and some therapists allow their wounded, distraught and sometimes desperate subjects to sit for far too long in the consulting room chair, paying the therapist more than the job or their skill is worth. Therapists must gain the trust and respect of the subject without monopolising their potential for development, or allowing the subject to project upon them to be the lost parent, lover or saviour in their life. Many therapists are unwilling to see their bread money walk out of the door and pull every trick in the book to convince their subjects that they are really desperately maladjusted and can only survive by continuing in therapy. Six or eight sessions should be booked at a time, with the clear understanding that this commitment will be concluded before any further sessions are commenced. This gives us a regular let-out when we judge we have benefited enough from that particular engagement. All knowledge is valuable and self knowledge most of all. Most therapies lead to self knowledge, but like religions, none is noticeably better than any other. A good guide book on choosing a therapist, or personal recommendation, is the best place to start.

We don't have to be neurotic or disorientated to benefit from psychological counselling; we just have to be interested in self development and willing to open the ill-fitting door on our vulnerable inner defences....

Unable to see or unwilling to look -
timeworn defences against an inner call....

Counselling and Psychotherapies.


Counselling, Therapy and Self Awareness
studies in current use.
Feeling end
Study of illnesses of the mind. Medical treatments, chemical straightjackets Electro-convulsive therapy (ECT)
Study of Conditions of the mind. Self knowledge and self encounter. Includes Books, Courses, Lectures, Film and Non-medical studies.
Brief therapies
Behavioural change. Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Hypno recall to childhood, Hypno analysis, Hypno regression. Counselling, Stress Management. Samaritans, Bereavement counselling, Marriage guidance.
Group Therapy
Psychodrama. Drug rehabilitation Alcoholics-Anonymous Addiction treatments
Cults -
There are over
500 Cults in UK
Obsessive religious groups.Ashrams. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. Charismatic Groups. Tele Evangelism. Scientology. Moonies
Body expressed Therapies
Janov's Primal therapy. Bio-dynamic massage. Reichian Orgone energy. Rebirthing experience. Staged expressions of anger and feeling. Feldenkrais - releasing body tensions, the locked smile, the clenched teeth, the hunched shoulders.
Interventionist therapies
Gestalt therapies, here-and-now approach of Fritz Perls. Fusion of established theories. Exploring the Freudian world of the Id while embracing a spiritual quest.
Transpersonal Psychotherapy
Psycho-Synthesis (Roberto Assagioli). Jungian orientated workshops (with lots of hugging). Astrological counselling and birth charts. Spiritual awareness. Self encounter groups.
Psycho analysis
Talking, talking. Working with dreams, archetypes and images (in the Jungian school). Or with free association of ideas and emotions, the Inner child and infantile sexual development (Freudian school).


Thinking end

Auras, Chakras, the Subtle bodies, Spiritual healing, Clairvoyance, Chanting and Healing-harmonics. Psychic and Intuition training.
Next Page  



Table of Contents - click on any chapter to open it
Prologue                   Click here...
Space and Matter
Evolution of Life
Birth of Awareness
Spiritual Goals
Psychology This page
Evolution and Astrology
Astrology and Fate
Light, Love and Feeling
Primal Scream
World Religions
Ethics of Caring
Thought Conditioning
Miracles and Prayer
Shadow and the Unconscious
Journey in Spirit
Pantheism and Matter
Appendix I
Glossary of Terms
Appendix II
Appendix III